Design protection helps ClickitUp to stand strong in the market
The premises in Halmstad are growing according to plan with two extensions. The week before Christmas, our sister company Berlings Glas och Fasad installed window sections on the new extension facing the E6. Upstairs, ErgoSafe’s new office area, window sections were installed that will provide fantastic light. The project is progressing and both production surfaces of the production will be ready first – just in time for our high season to start at ErgoSafe.

Together we build ErgoSafe
The premises in Halmstad are growing according to plan with two extensions. The week before Christmas, our sister company Berlings Glas och Fasad installed window sections on the new extension facing the E6. Upstairs, ErgoSafe’s new office area, window sections were installed that will provide fantastic light. The project is progressing and both production surfaces of the production will be ready first – just in time for our high season to start at ErgoSafe.

Recycled plastic from the oceans becomes new material for our glass railings
One of our latest development projects is together with Ackurat, where recycled high-quality plastic from the maritime industry is used to create plastic parts for the ClickitUp series.
– The recent long delivery times and lack of materials have meant that we are actively working to get our suppliers closer to us. Part of this was the plastic parts for ClickitUp that were manufactured in China. I contacted one of our suppliers over 20 years ago and the process was underway, says product and development manager at ErgoSafe, Mårten Johansson.
The exchange of all details for our glass railing ClickitUp® is in line with the journey that ErgoSafe has begun – to work for a circular and sustainable business as much as possible. An initiative linked to the purchasing process is to include the aspect of environmental impact when we look at materials for our products.

”That we recycle waste from the oceans at the same time as we work for the company’s best interests and a sustainable future feels fantastically good,” adds ErgoSafe’s CEO Fredrik Johansson.
Halmstad 2022-06-10
Welcome and visit us in Gbg!
ErgoSafe is now on site in Gothenburg and you will find us in the showroom at MAKAJO in Amerikaahuset.
Our saleswoman Victoria is happy to receive you and show you the entire ClickitUp range on site. Here you will find more information about the showroom in Gothenburg.

Now we have moved into new premises
Finally, our new office space is ready! The result was absolutely fantastic!
We would like to thank Bygg Sjögren and all subcontractors for a very well done project! We are so happy!
Halmstad 2021-04-22

ErgoSafe proud sponsor of HBK
ErgoSafe will support the local football team Halmstads BK during the seasons 2022 and 2023.
”We see it as important to support Halmstad in the work with the association life and we think that Halmstads BK provides a good exposure area that can give us the scope we want for our continued development – now we hope for a fantastic season and that we in 2023 will reach the highest level in Swedish football and have our brand on the new shirt”, says ErgoSafe’s CEO Fredrik Johansson.
Halmstad 2022-04-01

The premises in Halmstad are growing according to plan
The premises in Halmstad are growing according to plan with two extensions. The week before Christmas, our sister company Berlings Glas och Fasad installed window sections on the new extension facing the E6. Upstairs, ErgoSafe’s new office area, window sections were installed that will provide fantastic light. The project is progressing and both production surfaces of the production will be ready first – just in time for our high season to start at ErgoSafe.

ErgoSafe's glass railing ClickitUp at Disneyland Paris
It is with pride that we tell you that ClickitUp is now available at Disneyland in Paris. It is the restaurants Vapiano and Five Guys that have ClickitUp as wind protection for their outdoor cafes. An extra big thank you to Olivier Vetter and Premium Terrasses.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
We have had a fantastic year and wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to customers, suppliers, partners and employees. Together we aim for new goals 2022! But first Christmas break with loved ones.
We will reopen on January 3, 2022. Traditionally, we give a Christmas gift to children at Halmstad Hospital.
Warmest Christmas greetings from us at ErgoSafe!

Newly recruited trio
We warmly welcome this newly recruited trio to ErgoSafe. New onboard are Petra Fasth and Stefan Andersson (left).
We are strengthening our sales team with Petra and Stefan recently took up the position as CFO. Henrik Karlsson (right) started with us a while ago and is now internally recruited to the position of production manager. A position he will take over after Jörgen Larsson who retires last February.
A warm welcome on board all three – now we take aim to higher altitudes.

We are expanding!
We believe in a continued great demand for our products and are therefore investing in expanding with 300 sqm of offices and 600 sqm of production, says the company’s CEO Fredrik Johansson. The construction is expected to be completed in the spring of 2022.

ErgoSafe juhlii 25 vuotta
Vuosi 2021 on vuosi, jolloin ErgoSafe täyttää 25 vuotta ja yhtiö jatkaa kasvuaan. Perustamisestaan lähtien vuonna 1996 ErgoSafe on ollut kasvuyrityksen roolissa, jolla on vahva innovaatioajattelu. ”Tuotteidemme kysyntä vain kasvaa ja vie meidät uusille markkinoille. Olemme jännittävällä matkalla ”, sanoo ErgoSafen toimitusjohtaja Fredrik Johansson. Pandemia on luonut suurta kysyntää tuotteillemme. Vienti on alkanut kiihtyä. Tulevien vuosien aikana aiomme laajentaa laitostamme Halmstadiin. Meillä on hyvät juhlat ErgoSafessa ja tietysti kun pandemia loppuu, juhlimme myös 25-vuotista taivaltamme.

Onnistunutta yhteistyötä
Me ErgoSafella uskomme yhteistyöhön. 11. maaliskuuta saavuimme virstanpylvään 1000 päivään ilman poissaoloja onnettomuuksien vuoksi. Olemme päättäneet, että meillä on korkeimman luokan työympäristö. 1000 päivää ilman onnettomuuksista johtuvista onnettomuuksista on todiste siitä. ErgoSafen toimitusjohtaja tervehtii: – Olen niin ylpeä saadessani olla tämän fantastisen jengin toimitusjohtaja ja kiitos koko henkilökunnalle hienosta työstä!

ClickitUp® - EUIPO:n suojaama malli
ClickitUp®, ErgoSafen korotettu ja laskettu lasikaide, on kuviosuojattu EUIPOlla. ClickitUpi® on valmistettu yli 10 000 kappaleena tuotantolaitoksessamme Halmstadissa, ja se on nykyään saatavana useilla markkinoilla ympäri maailmaa. Vuonna 2014 lanseerattu lasikaide tarjosi ensimmäisenä korotetun ja lasketun lasikaiteen, jossa keskityttiin suunnitteluun, laatuun, turvallisuuteen ja toimintaan kaikki samassa tuotteessa.

ErgoSafen liukuovi toimitetaan apteekkiin
Pandemia on haastanut meitä ja johtanut uusien kulutusmallien syntymiseen. Yksi palveluja laajentanut ala ovat apteekit. Erityisesti esteettömyyteen ja työympäristöön keskittyvät ErgoSafen liukuovet ovat avanneet uusia mahdollisuuksia. Yksi viimeisimmistä toimituksistamme on Apoteket AB:lle ärebron yliopistollisessa sairaalassa. Muut apteekit ovat ostaneet DT-luukun drive-in-palveluunsa.”Erikoisuudet ovat meidän normaalimme liukuovien suhteen”.