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Design protection helps ClickitUp to stand strong in the market

Together with our partner Bergenstråhle & Partners, we have successfully stopped a number of large European manufacturers and distributors from manufacturing and selling products that infringe on our design protection for the ClickitUp®balustrade system. – For our glass balustrade and us as a company, the result is that we are extremely strong in the market …

Design protection helps ClickitUp to stand strong in the market Læs mere »

The premises in Halmstad are growing according to plan

The premises in Halmstad are growing according to plan with two extensions. The week before Christmas, our sister company Berlings Glas och Fasad installed window sections on the new extension facing the E6. Upstairs, ErgoSafes new office area, window sections were installed that will provide fantastic light. The project is progressing and both production surfaces …

The premises in Halmstad are growing according to plan Læs mere »

We are expanding!

A major renovation is ongoing in ErgoSafe’s premises in Halmstad. Both production and the office building are being expanded to meet the strong growth that the company has. We believe in a continued great demand for our products and are therefore investing in expanding with 300 sqm of offices and 600 sqm of production, says …

We are expanding! Læs mere »

ClickitUp® – design-protected at EUIPO

ClickitUp®, ErgoSafe’s height-adjustable glass balustrade, is pattern-protected via EUIPO.¬†ClickitUp® has been produced in over 10,000 units at our production facility in Halmstad and is now available in several markets around the world. Launched in 2014, theglass balustrade was the first to offer a height-adjustable glass railing with a focus on design, quality, safety and function …

ClickitUp® – design-protected at EUIPO Læs mere »